
Dear Church Member:

The time for the annual process of deacon nomination has arrived.  We have enclosed three documents:
• Qualifications for the Office of Deacon
• List with active deacons, not currently active deacons, and men who are at least 25 years old and have been a church member for at least one year
• Deacon Nomination Form

Please read over the list of qualifications, spend some time in prayer, and when you are comfortable with the Lord about your nominations, complete the forms. When nominating your selection, please do not vote for active deacons or church staff members. You can submit forms for as many nominees as you would like. More guidance is listed on the Nomination Form itself.  Additional paper forms will be available at the Welcome Desks. We recognize that it is a time-consuming process to complete these nomination forms, but please consider that maybe one or more members of the Deacon Interview Committee is being introduced to the candidate with your form. Begin praying about previously ordained men you would like to see become active deacons and new men who model the lifestyle of a deacon in God’s church and take the time to nominate those whom the Lord lays on your heart to serve Him as a deacon at North Monroe Baptist Church. Please submit your completed forms online, to the church office or turn them in with your LifeGroup records by Sunday, March 16, 2025.

Thanks for helping your church,
Thomas McCalla
Chairman of Deacons

Qualifications for the Office of Deacon

A deacon will be a man who knows that he is saved, is at least 25 years of age, and has been a member of NMBC for at least one year. The deacon must also meet Biblical qualifications and NMBC expectations.  An individual who is to be a deacon must realize that there are specific qualifications that must be met if he is going to be a true servant of Christ, His Church, and His people. The servant is a person who follows Christ (John 12:26) and who is humble even though he is great (Matthew 23:11).  Listed below are those Biblical qualifications that a person must possess if he wishes to be a deacon. These qualifications require that a deacon be:

     a.   Of honest report (reputation) among those in the church as well as those outside the church (Acts 6:3, 1
            Timothy 3:10).
     b.   Filled with the Holy Spirit and have a positive spiritual outlook and personal dedication (Acts 6:3).
     c.   A Biblical tither.
     d.   A worker who gives knowledge, talents and time in some aspect of the total church program.
     e.   Full of wisdom (Acts 6:3).
     f.    A total abstainer from any mind-altering substance.
     g.   Strong of faith in the workings of Christ (Acts 6:3, 2 Timothy 3:9).
     h.   One who participates in church outreach through visitation, witnessing, and prayer.
     i.     One who accepts the Baptist position of the authority of the Scriptures in all matters of faith and practice
            and applies his faith in all aspects of life.
     j.     Serious minded (grave) about spiritual matters (1 Timothy 3:8).
     k.   Solid in convictions (not double tongued) (1 Timothy 3:8).
     l.    One who does not exploit others for material gain or put material possessions before God (1 Timothy 3:8).
     m.  Proven (demonstrated) in his interest in and dedication to the workings of Christ in the church, community,
             and the world (1 Timothy 3:10).
     n.   One who participates in the total church program – Sunday morning services, midweek
             services/activities, revivals, and other special programs.
     o.   A husband of one wife (1 Timothy 3:11-12). North Monroe views this as a prohibition against polygamy
            and not divorce. Men who have been divorced are not automatically disqualified from service.  North
            Monroe also does not view this as a requirement that the deacon must be married.
     p.   If the deacon is married, his wife must meet the same basic qualifications as that of the deacon.
     q.   A manager of his home and loved and respected by his family (1 Timothy 3:12).


Please prayerfully consider your nominee. If you feel he meets the qualifications of a NMBC Deacon, then please fill out this form. Only members of NMBC are eligible to make nominations and please include your name, also. Please submit all nominations by no later than Sunday, March 16, 2025.
You may nominate as many men as you believe are qualified to serve at NMBC. If you run out of room on this form, just re-submit as many times as you need.
Nominations for Previously Ordained Deacons (no explanation needed) -
Thank you for your time and effort in making this nomination. Please pray for this nominee(s) as he goes through the process of NMBC Deacon selection.